Aaron Rodgers won Tuesday's episode of 'Celebrity Jeopardy!'

Spoiler alert: we can now count Celebrity Jeopardy! among the lengthy list of things Aaron Rodgers is good at.
Tuesday's episode doesn't air until the evening for much of the country—you can check when and where right here—but for the results-oriented television viewers and/or Green Bay Packers fans, here's your answer: he won the whole dang thing, beating astronaut Mark Kelly and Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary and raising $50,000 for Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer.
We won't spoil the whole episode, although Yahoo Sports has some info on some of Rodgers' hits and misses on questions involving his alma mater, Cal, and his work state, Wisconsin.
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We will, however, provide you with this video of Alex Trebek doing Rodgers' trademark championship belt celebration (thanks to Yahoo Sports' Kevin Kaduk for providing the scoop and the Vine):
- Mike Fiammetta