Tom Brady backpedals on Trump: ‘I don’t even know what the issues are’

Tom Brady, owner of a “Make America Great Again” hat, said on Sept. 16 that he thought Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election “would be great.”
Now, he’s not so sure.
In an interview on WEEI Monday, Tom Brady backtracked on his comments, saying “I try to have fun with certain things.”
“I mean, look, I’ve known him for a long time. He’s been a fun guy that I’ve had a lot of time around,” Brady said.
“One way or another, it’s so far away from when the election will be. Whatever I vote is going to be my own personal choice based on how I feel. I don’t even know what the issues are. I haven’t paid attention to politics in a long time. It’s actually not something that I really even enjoy. It’s way off my radar.”
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Brady would not say whether or now he would vote for Trump come next November.
He also would not say whether or not Joe Flacco is an elite quarterback.
- Kenny Ducey