Illinois State and Ole Miss arranged a home-and-home over Twitter

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Illinois State put together a pretty good NCAA tournament resume but the Redbirds were ultimately left on the outside looking in due to a weak non-conference slate. Head coach Dan Muller is already trying to make sure his squad is more appealing to the committee next year and, since this is 2017, decided Twitter was his best bet for hooking a big fish.
ACC BIG 10 BIG 12 SEC PAC 12 BIG EAST. It's me again. Looking 4 home & home next year. Pls call me 4 chance 4 QUALITY road win, top 33 RPI
— Dan Muller (@DanMuller) March 13, 2017
Improbably, this strategy actually worked. Ole Miss AD Ross Bjork caught wind of Muller’s offer and got the ball rolling, urging Muller to call Rebels coach Andy Kennedy.
.Hey @DanMuller I'm here with Coach Kennedy & since he doesn't do Twitter, he said to give us a call. We'd love to match up.
— Ross Bjork (@RossBjorkAD) March 13, 2017
Would LOVE to. I will be having my people get in touch with your people TODAY. AKA, i am going to text AK in 10 minutes.
— Dan Muller (@DanMuller) March 13, 2017
.Our people (Twitterless AK) are ready @DanMuller
— Ross Bjork (@RossBjorkAD) March 13, 2017
Your bitmoji game is strong. Good luck in the NIT.
Talked to AK (Hope it was him & not Randy). Need to figure out dates but it's a done deal if we do. AK said it's the TWARD invitational.
— Dan Muller (@DanMuller) March 13, 2017
That’s pretty good, but here’s a million dollar idea: Non-conference matchup Tinder. No one steal that, please.