ESPN's Olbermann won't host show this week over Penn State tweets

ESPN announced in a statement Tuesday that commentator Keith Olbermann will not host his show, Olbermann, for the remainder of the week after he had an exchange with Penn State fans on Twitter on Monday night.
In a series of tweets responding to others, Olbermann called Penn State students "pitiful." Some of the exchange is below:
@lisaadeleon ...Pitiful
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 23, 2015
.@dave_seidel No, Son. I said PSU students were pitiful. Had nothing to do with fundraising #AlsoPSUReadingComprehensionAppearsToBeWeak
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 23, 2015
.@dave_seidel her tweet reads "we are..." I finished her sentence "...pitiful." At this rate your diploma won't be recognized, Moron
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 23, 2015
.@dave_seidel Again - get your $ back - you didn't learn how to read. PSU students are pitiful because they're PSU students - period.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 23, 2015
ESPN's statement:
We are aware of the exchange Keith Olbermann had on Twitter last night regarding Penn State. It was completely inappropriate and does not reflect the views of ESPN. We have discussed it with Keith, who recognizes he was wrong. ESPN and Keith have agreed that he will not host his show for the remainder of this week and will return on Monday. The annual tradition of THON and the efforts of the students of Penn State to fight pediatric cancer should be applauded.
THON is an annual three-day dance marathon at Penn State that raises money for pediatric cancer.
James Andrew Miller, author of "Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN," reports that Olbermann will still be paid this week and will be back on Monday.
In January, Olbermann called Penn State and the NCAA "the world's worst in sports" after the NCAA decided to restore former Nittany Lions coach Joe Paterno's victories that previously had been vacated as part of the school's sanctions after the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
- Molly Geary