World Rugby

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Illona Maher posses in a Bristol Bears jersey in a promotional image for her signing

Ilona Maher Isn't The Only American In The UK's Premiership

Illona Maher, Rugby’s biggest social media star isn’t the only American playing rugby in the United Kingdom's Premiership leagues.  She is joined by some other

Joseph Hammond
Godine's Brotherhood is our Rugby Book of the Year

Brotherhood – Our Rugby Book of the Year

Brotherhood is a term deeply rooted in rugby, resonating across teams worldwide. It stems in part from the sport's origins—as a game that remained nominally ama

Joseph Hammond
Antoine Dupont kissing his gold medal after leading France to a historic victory

Antoine Dupont Is The Obvious Rugby Player of the Year

It’s Antoine Dupont world we are just living. Dupont is the greatest rugby player in the world right now. Antoine Dupont is the definitive Rugby Player of the

Joseph Hammond
A promotional image for the new Rugby series
World Rugby

Trailer Released For New Netflix Rugby Show

A new elite production from Netflix will examine the world of from the Korean perspective. Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die is a new reality series that will air on

Joseph Hammond