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It's a perfectly cromulent rule

Florida's Matt Elam is seen here in a rare moment when he's not hitting somebody. (AP)

Florida's Matt Elam is seen here in a rare moment of him not hitting somebody. (AP)

So, so much to unpack from the NCAA's Playing Rules Oversight Panel decisions. Dive in:

Marinate happily first in the good news. The dream of the Surly Hillocks defense remains very much alive! Rejoice, Boise State fans: The proposition that would require either team jerseys or pants to contrast with the color of the field was shot down. In related uniform news, jersey numerals are now mandated to be "one solid color that itself is clearly in distinct contrast with the color of the jersey." And don't cast side-eyes at Oregon just yet: Remember the Under Armour/Wounded Warrior getups South Carolina was forbidden to wear?

• We regret that this is going into place too late to see how it would affect Matt Elam hitting his own teammate. That ejection-for-targeting penalty? Approved. No, it's cool; there's gonna be a review process. If you liked arguing the semantics of "irrefutable video evidence" before, you're gonna LOVE this (emphasis ours, like it needs it): "In an effort to address concerns when one of these plays is erroneously called on the field, the ejection portion of the penalty will be reviewable through video replay. The replay official must have conclusive evidence that a player should not be ejected to overturn the call on the field."

A legacy burnished. New Lane Kiffin rule, y'all! "To require a player that changes numbers during the game to report this to the referee, who will announce it."

Wait. What?