Rare shots: 1984 Olympic Basketball Trials

Rare shots: 1984 Olympic Basketball Trials
Bob Knight

In the spring of 1984, Indiana coach Bob Knight invited the best 72 amateur basketball players in the country to try out for the Olympics. As Karl Malone, then a burly forward at Louisiana Tech, put it to Sports Illustrated at the time, "They said they was gettin' the best 72 and they wasn't tellin' no stories." SI sent three photographers to cover the tryouts, which included Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, John Stockton and other future stars.
Patrick Ewing

Charles Barkley

Chris Mullin

Charles Barkley

Patrick Ewing

Michael Jordan

Patrick Ewing

Steve Colter

John Stockton, Jim Master

Charles Barkley

Michael Jordan

Karl Malone

Dell Curry

Karl Malone

Michael Jordan

Chuck Person

Patrick Ewing

Michael Jordan

Charles Barkley
