Florida Rep Proposes Bill Compensating College Athletes for Names, Likeness

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act on Monday, which will allow college athletes to be paid for the use of their name, likeness and image.
Then, Florida state representative Kionne McGhee filed a similar bill in the Florida House of Representatives aimed at preventing the NCAA from blocking student-athletes from receiving compensation for the use of their likeness or name. McGhee's House Bill 251 would go into effect July 1, 2020. The California Fair Pay to Play Act will not go into effect until Jan. 1, 2023.
According to the HB 251 website, the bill, "Authorizes students participating in intercollegiate athletics to receive specified compensation; provides requirements for specified students, postsecondary educational institutions, certain organizations, & specified representatives; & creates Florida College System Athlete Name, Image, & Likeness Task Force."
USA Today's Steve Berkowitz reports that a spokesman for Fla. representative Chip LaMarca says another bill is coming.
McGhee joins a group of other states that have proposed legislation on the matter, including a New York state senator who proposed a bill that would make the state the first to require colleges to pay student-athletes directly.
The California bill does not force schools to pay athletes, but rather allow athletes to hire agents who can procure business and sponsorship deals. California schools and the NCAA have long opposed the bill, which makes it impossible for schools to follow the NCAA's amateurism rules.
Shortly after Newsom signed the bill, the NCAA issued its own statement in response to California's new law.