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Dick Vitale Provides Optimistic Update After Chemotherapy From His Doctors

College basketball this season just hasn’t been the same without Dick Vitale on the mike. 

Vitale was diagnosed with lymphoma back in October, causing him to announce only a couple of games this season before his doctors told him he needed to rest his voice.

Vitale spoke with Sports Illustrated’s Jon Wertheim about his chemotherapy treatments, along with some updates from his doctors. Vitale provided his answers through typed messages as he continues to rest his voice.

”[Dr. Rick Brown] said my blood counts post chemotherapy have been really good . He is very optimistic that I will be in remission after my chemo treatments . He said I have handled very effectively the various procedures & treatments I am dealing with. Also he likes that I have no problem working [o]ut doing various physical fitness drills with supervision . Plus he likes that I am active by taking walks. All those are very positive according to them .“

In regards to his age, Vitale commented the nurses and doctors are surprised when they hear his age based on how active he is.

”I don’t know if it is appease me but his staff members constantly state that they don’t believe I am 82 / they make me feel good by saying u don’t look 82 u certainly don’t act 82 . Based on all [t]hat I am very optimistic .“

Vitale consistently provides updates on his treatment journey through Twitter. He tweets pretty much every single day on any updates he’s received from doctors, along with commenting on any college basketball news from that day.

The 82-year-old is keeping next season open as an option for him to return. He doesn’t appear quite ready to be done announcing basketball games.

Vitale already beat his melanoma diagnosis last year, and he’s ready to take down his lymphoma.

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