Crimson Tide Roll Call: September 14, 2021

Your daily briefing on what's going on with Alabama athletics, including full TV listings

Today is ... National Ants on a Log Day

BamaCentral Headlines 

Today's Crimson Tide schedule

Women's Golf vs ANNIKA Collegiate, Lake Elmo, Minn., All Day

Crimson Tide results

Women's Golf vs ANNIKA Collegiate, Lake Elmo, Minn.

Did you notice?

Crimson Tide Trivia Challenge

There are enough former Alabama players in the NFL to form an entire roster, and the list only grows, but which position group has the most?

The first person to post the correct answer on our message board, specifically in the Trivia! forum, will earn points toward winning a prize. Must be registered to post.

On this date in Crimson Tide history:

September 14, 1974: Calvin Culliver rushed for 169 yards, including a 73-yard touchdown run, as Alabama edged Jerry Claiborne's Maryland Terps, 21-16. A fake punt by Richard Todd sustained a fourth-quarter drive that gave the Crimson Tide an insurmountable 21-9 lead. – Bryant Museum

September 14, 1991: Chance Warmack was born in Detroit, and Dee Milliner was born in Deatsville, Ala.

Crimson Tide quote of the day:

“I just waxed the dude.” — Defensive back Rory Turner on his game-saving tackle of Auburn’s Brent Fullwood in the 1984 Iron Bowl.

We'll leave you with this ...

Harrison Holland

Harrison Holland began as a staff writer for BamaCentral in January 2021. He covers basketball, recruiting, and soccer, and you can find him on Twitter @HHollandBC.