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Boston College Coaches React to New Balance Apparel Deal

Various coaches talked about the new apparel
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On Tuesday, Boston College announced a ten year deal with New Balance that would make the company the apparel outfitter for 30 of 31 teams (not including football). Various coaches spoke about the deal shortly after the announcement.

Men's Basketball Coach Earl Grant

“Partnering with New Balance presents a great opportunity for our program and our entire department to think globally with an innovative local company that will be truly invested in our success.

I am excited because we won't just be part of this deal - we will be partners. Our players will work with New Balance during the process of developing and designing our uniforms, shoes, and apparel. This deal gives us tremendous freedom to customize all of our apparel and experience the next-level quality and innovation that they have to offer.

With the investments they are making in Boston College, our athletics department, and our basketball programs, we are proud to be aligned with New Balance.” 

Women's Basketball Coach Joanna Bernabei-McNamee

We are excited for this new journey with New Balance. Our players will enjoy representing the style and swag of their new basketball line. Their casual wear is spectacular and I know our players will love the high quality and comfort of their basketball and running shoes.

The best part of this new partnership will be our players having a part of the innovation, development, and design of the apparel they will wear for both practice and competition. We can’t wait to show our players and recruits everything New Balance is able to provide us with, especially since New Balance’s headquarters is just over two miles away in Boston.”

Jerry York

“This is a unique opportunity for us to align with a Boston brand that understands our teams and our city. Jim Davis has been a longtime fixture in the Boston business community, and we look forward to a lengthy partnership with New Balance.”

Women’s Ice Hockey Coach Katie Crowley

“We are excited to be joining the New Balance family. Hockey is important to New Balance and Warrior, and we are looking forward to the opportunity to work with not only an innovative company but also a hometown brand that can help us continue to compete at the highest level on and off the ice."

Lacrosse Coach Acacia Walker-Weinstein

“I’m extremely excited for our move to New Balance next year. I think they’re going to really help take our program to the next level and have really begun to make a name for themselves in the lacrosse world. New Balance is a company that epitomizes the Boston mentality and we’re excited to join the New Balance family.”

Baseball Coach Mike Gambino

“We’re excited to be partnered with an elite baseball brand that shares our Boston roots. The opportunity to be affiliated with New Balance, its commitment to our community and goal-oriented development of Boston College student-athletes is aligned with our team’s values and goals as a player-development program.”

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