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The 2010's only have another week in existence, and with it goes a decade of Boston College football. To celebrate the end of the decade, BC Maven has created our All Decade team. These are the players, who in a down ten years of sports have stood out for the Eagles. If you disagree with our list, leave your selections in the comment sections. 


Tyler Murphy: If we decided to go on career body of work we might have gone with Chase Rettig or Anthony Brown. Both of whom had more statistical numbers than Murphy, who transferred to Boston College from Florida and played just the 2014 season. But that was an incredible year for Murphy, who was basically the entire offense in Steve Addazio's second season at Boston College. Thanks to Offensive Coordinator and now Ohio State head coach Ryan Day he broke the ACC quarterback rushing record with 1179 yards and 11 touchdowns, and had one of the most electric runs in the past decades against USC. 

GIF courtesy of BC Interruption

GIF courtesy of BC Interruption

Honorable mentions: Chase Rettig, Anthony Brown

Running Back

Andre Williams: This was a tough choice as both Williams and AJ Dillon both had spectacular careers with the Eagles. On Twitter this weekend I said that I would pick Dillon over Williams due to the body of his work, but after some reflection I changed my mind. Williams ran for 2177 yards and 18 touchdowns in 2013 on his way to becoming a Heisman Finalist. Just a year after the Eagles went 2-10, Williams almost single handedly brought BC back into relevance and a 7-6 season. To go from being the laughing stock of the ACC to having a player on the Heisman Stage was a big deal, and because of that we selected Williams

GIF courtesy of BC Interruption

GIF courtesy of BC Interruption

Honorable Mentions: AJ Dillon, Jon Hilliman, Montel Harris

Wide Receiver

Alex Amidon: In a decade that was highlighted by a lot of running the football it was Amidon who stood alone as one of the only big time wide receivers for the Eagles. In his four years at the Heights he finished with 191 receptions, 2800 receiving yards and 15 touchdowns. In his senior season in 2013 Amidon had 77 receptions, a number that no Eagle has come close to. An incredible body of work that happened during some of the really lean years at Boston College

Honorable Mentions: Kobay White, Jeff Smith

Tight End

Tommy Sweeney: Tight ends were always a focus of emphasis for Steve Addazio, who more often than not used them for extra run blockers in his ground and pound offensive scheme. Sweeney was a great run blocker but seemed criminally underused in the passing game. He showed incredible hands and good size and speed when thrown the ball, but only had 99 receptions his entire career at Boston College. His true skills may blossom in the NFL, as he has shown glimpses with the Bills this year before he was injured. 

Honorable Mentions: Hunter Long, Chris Pantale, Korab Idrizi

Offensive Line

Guards: Chris Lindstrom, Emmett Cleary
Tackles: Anthony Castonzo, Ben Petrula
Center: Andy Gallik

This has been the decade of Boston College offensive linemen and there have been plenty to choose between. Chris Lindstrom was an out of this world talent, an athletic freak with physicality and the ability to pull better than anyone in recent memory at the Heights. Cleary was vital to Andre Williams' successes with the Eagles. Castonzo had only one season in this decade but was so dominant that he ended up being a first round pick and still is a starter as of this writing. Petrula is only a sophomore but his upside is limitless as he has been excellent his first two years. Gallik was a Rimington Award Finalist as the nation's best center. 

Honorable Mentions: John Phillips, Aaron Monteiro, Jon Baker, John Wetzel


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