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Steve Addazio was fired twelve days ago, and right now we do not know who the next coach of Boston College will be. During his press conference after he made the move, Athletic Director Martin Jarmond announced that he wants to have a decision made before the early signing day on December 18th. With only five days remaining until that date, a cloud of mystery had descended over the search, and unsubstantiated rumors have flooded Twitter and the message boards. 

Right now the only name that has been consistently mentioned is Ohio State defensive coordinator Jeff Hafley. Many believe that he has been the top candidate all along, but again no one knows for certain. At this point, BC probably has narrowed their list to a few or possibly finalists, but who is on it? Could it be former defensive coordinator Don Brown? Or what about Texas A&M defensive coordinator Mike Elko? Or could it be a mystery candidate? One thing you have to say about this search is that there has been a striking lack of leaks from candidates agents, or the school. 

Earlier today FootballScoops had an interesting note, adding that Navy head coach Ken Niumatalolo is a candidate, along with this morsel  "Sources said Jarmond interviewed another sitting head coach late this week. Sources tell FootballScoop if Jarmond winds up making this hire, everyone in college football would take notice." This is tantalizing but again, is this accurate, true,  and who would that be? FootballScoops is usually a pretty solid source, but this whole process has been secretive. 

Hopefully Jarmond announces his decision soon, because other schools are starting to make overtures to Boston College commits. With NSD coming up, a late push could cause some of BC's stronger recruits to listen, especially without a coach in place. Interim head coach Richie Gunnell has been on the road, checking in with recruits, but these kids are going to want to know who they will be playing for in 2020 before they sign their letters. 

The best scenario would be that Athletic Department knows who they are going to hire and have him locked up and even if they aren't ready to announce it start leaking it to commits which will hopefully help keep some of these recruits. 

But who knows what will happen, right now BC Athletics is Fort Knox in terms of leaks and information, and no one really knows what is happening  outside a select few. And remember be wary of what you read online, there are a lot of false rumors floating around


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