Morning Bulletin: Five Things to Watch During Saturday's Spring Game
The BC Bulletin "Morning Bulletin" feature will be published every weekday to get you caught up on all of the news and tidbits you will want to know about regarding Boston College sports. It will also include links to our daily BC podcast "Locked on Boston College" and let you know about the newest episode, and give you listening options right on the site.

Baseball Beanpot Opens Today
Boston College baseball kicks off the Beanpot as they face off against Northeastern in Brighton today. The Eagles lead the field with 13 Beanpot titles, and have been dominant so far this season in New England play, going 5-0 so far this season. In the other matchup in Cambridge, the UMass Minutemen will take on Harvard.

Locked on Boston College: Five Things to Watch For During 2022 Boston College Spring Game
(Photo via
Boston College's spring game is this weekend, at 11am at Alumni Stadium. While there certainly are reasons to over react about the Jay McGillis Game, there are five aspects of the game that should be must watch football. From Phil Jurkovec's return to full health, to young players like Donovan Ezeiruaku and Neto Okpala, we give five thing to watch for. Listen for our rationale, and get yourself better prepared for the 2022 season.
Our Podcast is now available on Youtube. We announced on today's show that we will have some Youtube only features coming up soon. So make sure to sign up and hit subscribe below. It is completely free.
Complete List of 2023 Commitments for Boston College
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