Morning Bulletin: Spring Game Excitement
The BC Bulletin "Morning Bulletin" feature will be published every weekday to get you caught up on all of the news and tidbits you will want to know about regarding Boston College sports. It will also include links to our daily BC podcast "Locked on Boston College" and let you know about the newest episode, and give you listening options right on the site.

Boston College Baseball Hosts Pitt This Weekend
BC has a big three game series this weekend against the Pitt Panthers. Pitt who stands at 16-11 is coming off a weekend series against Louisville in which they won two out of three. Boston College lost two out of three against Wake Forest. BC will go with Joe Mancini (2-1 4.84 ERA) on Friday, Sean Hand (0-2 10.80 ERA) on Saturday and Mason Pelio (1-2 11.42 ERA) on Sunday.

Locked on Boston College on Youtube: Subscribe (It's Free!)
If you haven't already, subscribe to our podcast Youtube page. It is free, and will give you notifications of new episodes right when they come out. Plus, we will have special episodes you WON'T find on the podcast stream, including breaking news, recruiting specials, guests and more. Subscribe today!

Locked on Boston College: Mailbag & Spring Game Preview
The Boston College Spring Football game is on Saturday and we break down more of what to watch for, and why the game is important to the team. In addition, we open the listener mailbag to talk about Boston College baseball and the struggles under Mike Gambino. Fixing the program is tough, but there should be one step at the end of the year that needs to be taken. Also hockey, what can be done to get BC back to the juggernaut they once were under Jerry York? More questions and discussion on today's show!
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