Morning Bulletin: A National Perspective on Boston College Recruiting
The BC Bulletin "Morning Bulletin" feature will be published every weekday to get you caught up on all of the news and tidbits you will want to know about regarding Boston College sports. It will also include links to our daily BC podcast "Locked on Boston College" and let you know about the newest episode, and give you listening options right on the site.

Locked on Boston College: A National Perspective on Boston College Recruiting
Boston College's football recruiting has improved, but how much? And how does the school appear from a national perspective? We are joined by John Garcia of SI All American to talk about BC's most recent commitments, Jacobe Robinson and more. More indepth college football recruiting talk, with perspective you won't find anywhere else.
Also Jerry York's retirement speech reaction, Gianni Thompson hits the transfer portal and much more!
Our show is on Youtube daily! Make sure to watch, like, follow and subscribe!

Jerry York's Retirement Speech
Boston College men's hockey coach Jerry York gave his retirement speech on Tuesday on campus. After being introduced by AD Pat Kraft, York talked about his times on campus, lessons learned, and where he plans on going from here. It's a speech worth watching and you can check out York's full remarks below.
Boston College Content
2023 Boston College Football Scholarship Offers
2023 Boston College Football Commitment List
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