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A look at the offers and recruiting news out for the Class of 2021 for BC Basketball

Boston College men's basketball is currently in the midst of trying to land some 2021 recruits to build their class.  Currently they do not have a commit for next year. Here is the space they have available for the upcoming class, now some of these will probably be graduate transfers, but the Eagles will have five total spots they will need to fill.

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Here are some of the offers that are currently out for the Class of 2021 according to  We will keep this up to date, and provide you with updates periodically. 


Gianni Thompson- Brimmer & May, Chestnut Hill MA. Three star small forward. Top 7: Providence, Boston College, Penn State, Richmond, Xavier, Virginia Tech and Temple

Carter Whitt - Leesville Road, Raleigh NC. Four star shooting guard who has BC as warm. Teams also considered warm are NC State, Nebraska, Virginia Tech, and Wake Forest. Also hold offers from Alabama, Arkansas, Clemson, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee.

Quincy Allen- Maret School, Washington DC, Four star 6-7 forward. Warm towards NC State, also has offers from Clemson, Florida, Colorado, Miami, Michigan, Marquette, Louisville, Syracuse, Wake Forest, Virginia Tech amongst others.

Eric Van Der Heijden, Millbrook HS, Raleigh NC Four star 6-9 small forward. A whole bunch of offers but according to 247sports is warm towards Texas, Maryland, Providence, Ole Miss and George Washington

Jack Malloy, Northfield Mount Hermon, Northfield MA NR, small forward. Offers from Columbia, Dartmouth, Fairfield, UMass, Penn, Yale.

DJ Nix, Cannon School, Concord NC. NR small forward. Offer from Washington State.


Casey Simmons, Milton Academy, Milton MA. Four star shooting guard. Committed to Northwestern. 

Name to watch? 

Saw the name of guard Jace Chatman pop up on social media the last few days. He is the younger brother of former Boston College guard Jordan Chatman. He apparently has been hearing from the Eagles, but as of now does not have an offer. 

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A.J. Black

Editor and publisher of BC Bulletin.  '06 graduate of Boston College, who has followed the program as long as he can remember. Has been covering the Eagles for the past nine years, giving expert analysis, recruiting news and breakdowns.  Also the host of Locked on Boston College, a daily BC podcast that is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. When he is not writing or producing content on the Eagles, he can be found running, skiing, enjoying craft beers, or spending time with his family. You can follow AJ Black on Twitter @AJBlack_BC and our official site Twitter account is @BulletinBC