Oklahoma WR Says BYU Game was 'Favorite Game He's Ever Played In'

Oklahoma sophomore wide receiver Jayden Gibson had high praise for the scenery surrounding Lavell Edwards Stadium

The game between BYU and Oklahoma was unique for a variety of reasons. It was only the third matchup between the Cougars and the Sooners ever and the the first game played in Provo. It was also a 10 AM local kickoff - the earliest kickoff for a BYU game in nearly 20 years.

After the game, Oklahoma sophomore wide receiver Jayden Gibson had high praise for the scenery surrounding Lavell Edwards Stadium. When asked about the scenery and the environment at Lavell Edwards Stadium, Gibson said, "Oh I just said this is probably my favorite game I've ever played in. I said that on the sideline...the view and the mountains when I scored, that was hard. I ain't ever experienced anything like that. Then the drive here and the scenery, like that's something that I like about college...I'm from Florida, I ain't never seen nothing like that, ever. Definitely cool. This is probably number one on my list so far."

Gibson, a former four-star recruit from Florida, is in his second year at Oklahoma. During that time in Norman, Gibson has played in some of college football's most unique environments. He played in the Cotton Bowl in the Red River Rivalry. He played in the Bedlam rivalry between Oklahoma and Oklahoma State. The Sooners have also played the likes of Florida State in the Cheez-It Bowl during his time in the program.

Gibson learned first hand what BYU fans already knew: Lavell Edwards Stadium is one of the best settings for a college football game.

Lavell Edwards Stadium Oklahoma
Lavell Edwards Stadium prior to kickoff between BYU and Oklahoma / Credit: BYU Photo

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Casey Lundquist

Casey Lundquist is the publisher and lead editor of Cougs Daily. He has covered BYU athletics for the last four years. During that time, he has published over 2,000 stories that have reached more than three million people.