Jim Mora Compares Zach Wilson to Aaron Rodgers

On Thursday, we kicked off an exciting new series here at Cougs Daily where we discuss various BYU topics with former UCLA head coach Jim Mora. In my recent discussion with Mora, we discussed Zach Wilson and his NFL comparisons. You can listen to Mora's full response in the video above.
Mora sees a lot of Aaron Rodgers in Zach Wilson.
"When I look at the skillset, I look at the smooth delivery, I look at the ability to throw the ball inside the pocket and outside the pocket, to escape pressure and keep [his] eyes down the field, and to be mobile enough to get the yards that you need to get to keep the chains moving, I think of Aaron Rodgers. I think this kid is special." - Jim Mora
A few analysts have compared Wilson to Rodgers over the past couple months, but Mora says the comparison between Wilson and Rodgers extends beyond their arm talent. "I love [Zach Wilson's] competitive nature, I love the way he competes. I think he plays with a chip on his shoulder, I think Aaron Rodgers plays with a little chip on his shoulder still. Just because of the fact that he slid in the draft, he had to go wait behind Brett Favre, his journey to becoming a starter and then a great player was not an easy one...I think Zach's competitiveness is fueled by feeling a little bit slighted at times...because he didn't get the national exposure that some of these other guys got."
Stay tuned for more conversations with Jim Mora.
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