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Survey: 90% of BYU Football Fans Would Attend Games with no Restrictions

In a recent Twitter poll, over 90% of BYU fans said they would attend football games without restrictions
BYU Football fans celebrate the victory over the Tennessee Volunteers in Neyland Stadium

While college football is looking more and more likely, we still don't know how many fans will be allowed in the stands in 2020. I asked the following question to BYU fans on Twitter to get a feel for how many fans would be willing to attend games during a global pandemic:

It's important to note that this is a very small sample of the fanbase. In addition, the fans on Twitter are probably some of the more passionate fans and the results might be skewed. I was still surprised, however, that over 90% of fans would be willing to attend games without restrictions. 

BYU fans were more willing to go to games than some very passionate fanbases; our sister site, West Virginia, ran a similar poll and 76% of fans said they would attend games despite COVID-19. The Georgia site?  85%. 

Here are a few comments from BYU fans on the situation:

"BYU should allow fans to use our God given agency Let us choose- those that want to go, go Those that dont, can stay home" - @Grizzfather

"Been going to games my entire life and I will be there if allowed." - @byucougarcorner

"Not with no restrictions, no." - @clarkamundson

"I would like to be given the choice. Whether I choose to go or not, it'll be my choice and I'll know the risks. With that said, if they allow fans, I'll be there. I've had season tickets since 1990 and I dont plan on giving those up. " - @BleedBlueJeremy

"Bought my first season tickets since I was a student at BYU. I will be there in the stands no mask if allowed. No problem sitting close to another BYU Cougar fan cheering my lungs out. 20 hour drive RT. #GoCougs" - @CariocaCoug

@InkedCougar answered with a well-placed GIF:

Let us know if you would attend games without restrictions in the comments section.

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