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Cal Football Video: Justin Wilcox Says Campus Power Outage Not an Issue for Bears' Practices

Cal classes cancelled on Wednesday, but football practice held without a hitch

Classes were cancelled at Cal on Wednesday, but that did not affect the Bears' football practice.

The Cal campus was one of the many places affected by PG&E’s decision to shut off electrical power in a number of Bay Area locations. And it remains to be seen whether Cal will have classes on Thursday.

In any case, Cal’s football practice will go on as planned and without a significant hitch, according to Cal head coach Justin Wilcox.

“Everything was fine for us, and not an issue at all,” Wilcox said in the video.

Wilcox made a point of saying some people in the Bay rea are affected a lot more seriously than the Cal football team.

On Wednesday, the Cal team had a workout on Maxwell Family Field, which is adjacent to the stadium, then moved into the stadium for the rest of the practice.

The only logistical issue was the locker room. The fancy Aaron Rodgers locker room, which opened up just a few weeks ago, could not be used because of the power outage, so a makeshift locker room was created in the tunnel heading into Memorial Stadium.

With Cal having a bye this week, the power outage should have no further effect on the football team. However, you have to wonder what might happen if a similar power outage is required late next week, with Oregon State scheduled to play Cal in Berkeley on Oct. 19. Presumably that game would have to postponed in that event, although there is no indication that something like that has been considered.

This week, Cal is giving a lot of work to the younger players who see limited action in games, while the veterans who get most of the playing time are given a chance to rest and heal.