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WATCH: OC Dave Patenaude Looks Back On Last Year's Offense

Georgia Tech offensive coordinator Dave Patenaude discusses the offensive changes needed to be made from last year and the many strides the Jackets have taken since last spring.
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On Day 1 of spring practice, Georgia Tech second-year head coach Geoff Collins expressed that the Yellow Jackets were "light years ahead" from where they were last year. 

For offensive coordinator/quarterbacks coach Dave Patenaude, he's seen the positive changes as well. 

"I mean it was like ground-zero grassroots football at this time last year," Patenaude said Thursday. "Right now, I mean the guys, they're sliding protections. They're adjusting the runs. They're checking."

The progress of the offensive unit from the fall has made for productive spring practices. For Patenaude, the offense developing that knowledge and having the experience from last year has allowed him to do more. 

"The understanding for our guys is that at any point of these practices, I should be able to call any play in our playbook and we should be able to run it," Patenaude said regarding the added development.  

With Day 2 of practice finished, the Jackets are executing better and the "mental busts" are less frequent Patenaude said. 

The quarterbacks group has also grown since Collins and his staff took over last year. James Graham and Jordan Yates were able to gain valuable experience from the 2019 season. That developed understanding has allowed for more confidence from both, which will be beneficial for the upcoming season. 

"Understanding and knowledge creates confidence," the quarterbacks coach said. "As a quarterback, when you're confident at what you're doing, and you're not looking around trying to figure out what's going on, and you've shrunk all of that information into a small box, then you can play really fast."

Related links:

WATCH: Jordan Yates Talks Overcoming Learning Curves

WATCH: Geoff Collins Discusses Improvements of Team 

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