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Observations From Big Ten Media Days: Day 1

The first seven coaches from the Big Ten Conference took the podium today to speak about the upcoming season.

Every year in late-July, the Big Ten coaches converge on a major city in the Midwest to discuss their programs and the upcoming season. Today, we were in Indianapolis and we heard from the head men at Illinois, Rutgers, Michigan State, Northwestern, Penn State, Iowa and Ohio State. 

Bret Bielema - Illinois

bret bielema

There's just something likable about Bielema. He's more impressive than he's portrayed and he's the kind of guy you'd actually like spending time with. You can tell he's a good dude and he's the kind of coach that players want to play for. He's done a very good job at a place like Illinois and seems to be trending up still. It's not surprising that he was successful at Wisconsin and it's not surprising that he's done well at Illinois so far. 

Greg Schiano - Rutgers

greg schiano

The dude is all about his business. He doesn't smile a whole lot and doesn't crack jokes while at the podium. You can tell he's going to get jobs done and he's obviously got the track record of a very successful 11-year run during his first tenure at Rutgers. It's hard to win at Rutgers but he does coach his guys up well and will fight against everyone.

Mel Tucker - Michigan State

mel tucker

I'm trying not to be biased as someone who grew up loving Michigan, but I just do not buy what Tucker is selling anymore and that wasn't the case when he took the job at MSU. I feel like he's talking out of his rear end a lot and puts unnecessary spins on just about everything nowadays. Kenneth Walker was a revelation for him and I think we're all going to keep seeing that the longer he's at the helm in East Lansing.

David Braun - Northwestern

david braun

The poor guy is just in such a tough spot. Northwestern went just 1-11 last year and will likely struggle to win more than two games this year. He seems to have a good outlook as a coach and is perceived as an organized and prepared young coach, but this is a brutal spot to be in. It's going to be a rough go for him in Evanston.

James Franklin - Penn State

james franklin

It feels like the same ole thing with Franklin every year. The Nittany Lions are going to be good because they're talented, but I don't think it's necessarily because of Franklin. He's likable enough but I just don't buy him as an elite coach or as someone who can elevate an already talented team to higher heights.

Kirk Ferentz - Iowa


Not much needs to be said. Ferentz has been at Iowa forever and does what he does. He's successful enough and does things a certain way and players seem to respond. He'll always have some good players and should be good in the West this year, but the whole thing is just bland. It works, but it's not exciting. 

Ryan Day - Ohio State

ryan day

I get the same sense from Ryan Day that I do from James Franklin. They have good teams and they do what they do. Day is sharp and his team is loaded, but Michigan has his number and he knows it. He's confident, and should be, but it's going to be about that game in November. At the podium he's solid. He's pretty no-nonsense but he'll sprinkle in more personality than say Schiano or Ferentz, which I feel like makes for a good blend when it comes to being a head coach.