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Aidan Hutchinson Makes Bold Claim When Asked About Michigan's Sign-Stealing Allegation

Former Michigan football star and legend spoke on the Michigan sign-stealing allegation
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Michigan is at the center of yet another NCAA investigation. Unless you've been living under a rock, or don't pay attention to college football, you know that Connor Stalions, a low-level staffer, is at the center of the investigation. 

Reports state that Stalions had a 'vast network' of people who in-person scout opposing teams Michigan would face. Reports also state that Stalions purchased tickets -- in his own name -- to over 30 games in the past three years. 11 Big Ten schools were on the list as well as teams like Clemson. 

On Thursday, former Michigan star and Heisman contender, Aidan Hutchinson was asked by Detriot Lions reporters about the allegations. 

Hutchinson believes there is some kind of vendetta against Michigan and Jim Harbaugh. The Lions' Edge rusher didn't mince words when speaking about the situation. 

“They’re doing all their investigations and they’re coming at Michigan when Michigan’s got a shot to win the national championship this year,” Hutchinson said, according to Michigan Live’s Kory Woods. “So I don’t know. It is what it is. I guess time will pass and people will forget about it and move on once we’re the (Big Ten) champs again.”

Hutchinson was a star for the Wolverines and like everyone knows, almost every school attempts to steal signals. Hutchinson confirmed just that when speaking to reporters. 

“People are always stealing signs in college football,” Hutchinson said. “People stole our signs. Other Big Ten schools stole our signs. It’s just a thing when you’re in college football, so I mean, not any more than anybody else did as far as I’m concerned.”

We will continue to update you when more information comes out about the Michigan investigation.