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Michigan's Roman Wilson Performing At An Elite Level

Six weeks into the season, Michigan wideout Roman Wilson is starting to get national recognition for his stellar play in 2023.

It might not be something that most folks understand nationally, but Michigan fans are well aware of the significance that comes with wearing the No. 1 jersey in Ann Arbor. Former wideouts like Anthony Carter, David Terrell, and Braylon Edwards all donned the famed No. 1 jersey, and there's a certain expectation that is attached to any wide receiver who chooses to wear the iconic number at Michigan. So when news broke that senior wideout Roman Wilson was making the switch from No. 14 to No. 1 for what is likely his final year at Michigan, the expectation for how he would perform grew significantly. 

“I remember the day Coach Harbaugh came into my room and asked me if I want to wear it,” Wilson said when discussing the change. “And it is a historic number, and it’s a lot of pressure. But that’s what I want. I want a lot of pressure on me, I want a pressure on my back.

“This number represents big things. And that’s what I hope, that’s my goal this season, whether I’m wearing 14, I can wear 87 — that’s what I want.”

Six weeks into the season, its safe to say that Wilson is living up to the lofty expectations that come with the No. 1 jersey at Michigan. 

PFF College recently gave Wilson the highest grade of any receiver in the nation against single coverage (95.7), and his numbers through the first six weeks have almost surpassed all of his production from the entire 2022 season. 

2022 receiving stats:  12 games, 25 receptions, 376 yards, 4 touchdowns

2023 receiving stats: 6 games, 22 receptions, 382 yards, 8 touchdowns (leads all U-M wideouts in all categories)

Here's where Wilson currently ranks among all Big Ten wideouts after six weeks:

  • Receptions: No. 11 (22)
  • Yards: No. 4 (382)
  • YPC: No. 6 (17.4)
  • YPG: No. 6 (63.7)
  • TD: No. 1 (8)

Beyond the stats, Wilson is doing all of the things that are necessary to take his game to the next level. His route running is precise, he blocks downfield extremely well, and he's proven time and time again that he can make the big play when his number is called. 

As the weeks continue to progress, it's becoming more and more apparent that Roman Wilson is undeniably one of the top wide receivers in the country.