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Mark Dantonio Suffers A Heart Attack

The celebration went long into the morning hours. “Little Giants,” the name of the play was dialed up and Coach Dantonio placed himself, his team and a raucous September evening into the history books. The game will go down as one of the best ever between the Irish and the Spartans. Mark smiled and gushed as much as Mark Dantonio gushes, which isn’t very much if you’ve ever seen a “Coach D” presser. Mark Dantonio just won the biggest game of his head football-coaching career. He is a part of Spartan history.

In the morning hours after the conclusion of his biggest victory, Mark Dantonio suffered from an apparent heart attack. In a split second, I went from tears of joy to sorrow. I went from thinking about “Little Giants” to Becky (Mark’s wife) and his girls.

There are many things that go through your mind when you hear news like this. Coach Dantonio means so much to us because he has been committed to our family the Spartan Nation.

We learned hours ago that Mark Dantonio is resting comfortably and is expected to make a full recovery. The team has been briefed of the situation and a plan is in place going forward over the coming weeks. We are not at liberty to discuss the details out of respect for MSU and their 1PM conference. We will hold a special discussion on the Phalanx Forum at 6 PM for members only.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dantonio family. We will have more information in the coming hours.
