Michigan State's Mindset Following Tough Loss to Ohio State

Michigan State has lost two games in a row after starting the season on a three-game winning streak. What will the team's mindset be going forward?
Michigan State
Michigan State / Starr Portice, Michigan State Spartans on SI

Michigan State’s season has taken a complete turn so far, as it started the season on a three-game winning streak but are now on a two-game losing streak.

Spartan running back Nate Carter noted the team has repeatedly made costly mistakes and did so against Ohio State.

“[W]e left a lot of points on the board,” Carter said after the loss. “Early on, we were moving the ball successfully on them in the run game and the passing game, then we get into the red zone and shoot ourselves in the foot. We make mistakes, and we have a lot of self-inflicted negatives. 

“Especially with great teams like that, even before for us to compete with teams like that we can't do that (leaving points on the board). So that was tough, and that was hard if you were saying we built a lot of confidence because we were running the ball, but it hurts our drives, and we keep going back because of turnovers or because of missed opportunities.”

Carter kept everything in perspective, noting the team is on a short week and cannot afford to spend more time and energy on their loss to Ohio State. Carter says he and his teammates must quickly move on from their loss to Ohio State if they hope to bounce back and add to the win column.

“At the end of the day, we have to play another game in six days,” Carter said. “So, it hurts getting blown out in our house and it happened, it is what it is, we got to learn from it, and we have to move on."

Carter said the Spartans must stop beating themselves if they hope to live up to their potential. He noted the team is ready to return to work and prepare for another challenging game this week. Carter and the Spartans know Oregon will be tough.

“They continue to work, especially this important week with it being short against Oregon, it is going to take a lot of work. So, we have to go in there with a new week, new mindset, and confidence on getting ready to play Friday night.

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Ezekiel Trezevant

Ezekiel is a former Sports Editor from the Western Herald and former Atlanta Falcons beat writer.