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Everything Jim Harbaugh Said About Michigan State For Rivalry Week

The Wolverines' head coach had a lot to say about the Spartans at his weekly press availability on Monday...

Like Michigan State head coach Mel Tucker, U-M's Jim Harbaugh met with the media on Monday to discuss this week's in-state rivalry game between the Spartans and the Wolverines.

Here's everything Harbaugh had to say pertaining to Michigan State and the rivalry:

Was there still a strong focus during the bye week on Michigan State?

"We were practicing, walking through lifting. I thought Ronnie Bell said it well earlier in the week. ‘I mean, just focus on being where your feet are at.’ And I thought our guys did a tremendous job of that throughout the week."

What stands out about MSU?

"A lot of things. A lot of really good things. It’s a really good team. Dangerous and in a lot of ways. I think the quarterback is really good.
Physical team that runs the ball well, really good off the play-action pass. Probably the best receiving corps we’ve played. Defense, it’s very opportunistic. They have guys that have a knack for getting the ball out and making big plays. Special teams, more of the same. The returner’s outstanding. So it’s a big challenge, our team knows that. We’ve all been preparing to get ready for this game."

Why is this rivalry so intense?

"I think everybody wants it so bad that everybody wants to win. Players, coaches, fan bases, you know, it’s at about as high a level it can be."

How do you approach a game like this?

"In the way that you expect to be prepared at 10 out of 10 for every game you play, right? I mean, if you’re not, then what are you doing? But no matter what, if maybe that has somehow decreased over the weeks then you back up, no doubt that it’s where it’s at this week — and for both sides. Old cliche: throw out the records, is very true. It doesn’t matter. Both sides. But both sides just want it that much."

Is it any easier to get his team's attention this week given MSU's struggles?

"Yeah, no question. Our guys really want to win this. I’m not gonna lie to you, I really want to win it. No doubt that if you pulsed every player and every coach on both sides that they’d tell you the exact same thing."

Is there any bulletin board material?

"Just really wanting to win this game. It’s enough."

On East Lansing native WR Andrel Anthony

"Andrel, he’s been really coming to the fore much more as — he’s hitting his stride. So I continue to feel like he’s going to become more and more part of every game. Making a big play a game that’s kind of what you come to expect from Andrel. And he’s just a phenomenal player. Doing everything right as always. More, you know, just can’t say enough good things about him."

Will Anthony play with 'vengeance' being an East Lansing native?

"Vengeance? No, I wouldn’t use that word. He just always plays the game right. Always gives it everything he’s got. And he’s always ready to play each and every week and playing — like all the guys on the team. Like I said earlier, go talk to all of them. On both sides, I think you’re gonna find that everybody really wants to play well, everybody wants to win this game."

How much did last year's team coalesce because of the loss at MSU?

"This team, and last year’s team, there’s a real great attitude, there’s a great culture thatt’s here. And could probably sum it up aseverybody bleeds blue, everybody’s pulling the same direction. And there’s been a real cultural momentum from last year to this year."

How has the rivalry changed from when he was a player?

"I really haven’t seen that much of a change. It’s always been a red letter game, big game. It was then, it is now. Used to highlight it as a red letter game, Michigan State was always one, it was one you wanted to win. It was for the state championship. And even conference championship implications every year. I mean, it’s the same now. We’ve told you how we feel about it. It’s one of our four major goals. And so I really don’t think it’s changed all that much."