Nike Influence on Spartan Uniforms Has “Jumped the Shark†with Hideous Fluorescent Green

Earlier today the official MSU men’s basketball Twitter account sent out the picture of these absolutely hideous uniforms for the MSU vs Maryland game on Saturday.
MSU will wear new "Mean Green" Nike Hyper Elite Disruption uniforms Saturday vs. Maryland.
— Michigan State Men's Basketball (@MSU_Basketball) January 22, 2016
I understand that Michigan State gets millions from Nike. I have also reported that Phil Knight the owner of Nike has tried to hire MSU AD Mark Hollis in the past and I am told he will try again at another date. Still, relationships only work with give and take and Hollis should have simply said no.
When Nike signed on with MSU Hollis was emphatic that MSU needed to define their green and use it. This was not it. It is a cheap stunt to get quick attention, but doesn’t represent the MSU green and frankly is something you would expect from EMU and not MSU. They are so hideous so that you have to go back to when the MSU administration wanted to change the Spartan head. Hollis warned his bosses changing the Spartan head was a bad idea and they ignored him. When the Spartan Nation overwhelming cried foul the administration quickly changed it back.
What do you think? Your emails so far clearly show you agree with me.