College Football Rules Changes for 2020

With NC State's season opening football game against Wake Forest only two weeks away, now is a good time to remind fans of the rules changes enacted by the NCAA for 2020 -- some related to the coronavirus pandemic, others not. Read more
College Football Rules Changes for 2020
College Football Rules Changes for 2020 /

With NC State's season opening football game against Wake Forest only two weeks away, now is a good time to remind fans of the rules changes enacted by the NCAA for 2020 -- some related to the coronavirus pandemic, others not.

The most notable of the adjustments deals with the targeting rule.

Although the actual interpretation will remain the same, players flagged for leading with their helmet or hitting a defenseless opponent above the shoulders will no longer be subjected to the obligatory walk of shame.

Instead of being sent to the locker room, disqualified players will now be allowed to remain in the bench area with their team.

All other disqualifying fouls such as fighting, two unsportsmanlike conduct infractions in the same game and flagrant personal fouls will now be reclassified as fouls requiring ejection. Players ejected for them will still be required to leave the field.

Other rules changes include:

Pregame Warmup/Officials Jurisdiction: In order to eliminate unsportsmanlike behavior prior to the start of games, the jurisdiction of officials will now begin 90 minutes before kickoff rather 60 minutes prior. In addition, all players coming onto the field must now be wearing a jersey with numbers readily visible. Any players entering the field before the game must be supervised by at east one coach.

Defensive Linemen on Scrimmage Kick Plays: In an effort to further protect the snapper on punts and placekicks, defensive players lining up within one yard of the line of scrimmage must be aligned completely outside the frame of the body of the snapper at the snap. It is still illegal to make contact with a snapper for a full second after he releases the ball.

Instant Replay/Review Time: It should not take more than two minutes to complete any official review. The exception is if the review has end of game impact or has multiple aspects as a part of the review. In that case, it should be completed efficiently but will have no stated time limit.

Defensive Illegal Substitution: Penalties for defensive team substitition infractions will now be treated as a live ball foul.

Here are the rules adjustments related to COVID-19:

Team Area and Coaching Box: To promote enhanced social distancing, the sideline team area will be lengthened from the current configuration between the 25-yard lines and expanded to the 15-yard lines. This will enlarge the Team Area an additional 10 yards on each end of the field, resulting in a 70-yard-wide total team area.

Pregame Coin Toss: Only one captain from each team, the referee and the umpire are the only essential personnel that can attend the toss and will be spaced out and will conform to social distancing guidelines.

Face masks: A medical mask made of cloth attached to the facemask below the eye shield area will now be allowed. If worn by any squad member of a team, medical masks must be of the same color and design and must be of a solid color with no advertising, slogans, or insignia. The medical mask may bear the team logo.

Uniform Patches: In an effort to allow players the opportunity to use the uniform to voice their opinions and/or express support of racial and social justice, patches not to exceed 2 1/4 square inches can be worn on the front of sleeve of the uniform.

In response to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, game officials will no longer use a traditional whistle. Each official will now use an electronic whistle, attached at the waist.

Officials will also be required to wear a solid black mask and only remove them to replenish oxygen between plays when socially distanced from others. Protective eyewear and gloves are also recommended, but are optional. 

All officials will be tested for COVID-19 weekly and will follow all conference protocols.

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