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Nebraska head football coach Matt Rhule has been preaching to his team all season to go 1-0 each week. He has cautioned his players not to look beyond the next play or the next game. Get one percent better each day. One day at a time. To heck with style points.

As the late Al Davis (former owner of the NFL's Oakland Raiders) used to say, "Just win, baby."

That's exactly what the Huskers have been doing. They've won five of their last six games. Those five wins have not exactly set any records for style points, but the Huskers keep winning.

With four more games to play, there is a good chance NU will get its sixth win. If the Huskers do get to six or more wins, the defense will be the main reason why.

Note to Trev Alberts: Get out your checkbook and retain defensive coordinator Tony White. Programs will be coming after him. If you have to, make him the highest-paid DC in school history.

Circular firing squad

The main thing standing in the Huskers' way is the circular firing squad they have to face each game day.

In Saturday's win, Nebraska fumbled five times, losing four of them. Very few teams can survive such odds.

There will be a time in the not-too-distant future when turnovers will be reduced to acceptable levels. Until that happens, Husker fans will have to get used to ugly wins. Remember, it's better to win ugly than lose pretty. (Anybody remember the '21 Husker football season?)

A record October

Besides the Huskers' 31-14 win Saturday, Nebraska fans had even more to cheer about. For the first time in 22 years, NU went undefeated in the month of October. Let that sink in for a while.

On Saturday, the Huskers also won the time-of-possession battle (33:10 to 26:50), total offense (277 yards to 195) and first downs (14 to 10).

Getting back to the turnover issue: How does a team lose four fumbles in one game and still get a double-digit Big Ten win?

Utterly amazing.

Two things are certain: This year's Husker football team has a jaw-dropping defense. The team also has some of the grittiest players Husker fans have seen in a very long time. No matter what the score, Nebraska is relentless.

Nebraska will probably continue to play ugly. Don't fret. Remember, it isn't the style points, it's just the wins, baby. 

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NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Garrett Snodgrass
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NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Heinrich Haarberg
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Matt Rhule stands on sidelines
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Thomas Fidone and Nate Boerkircher
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Heinrich Haarberg runs
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Heinrich Haarberg passes
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NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Jaylen Loyd catches pass for TD
NU vs. PUrdue 2023 - Jaylen Loyd scores TD
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Quinton Newsome tackles TJ Sheffield
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Tyrone Tracy Jr runs
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Ryan Walters reacts to call
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Omar Brown defends TJ Sheffield
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - John Bullock and Hudson Card
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Matt Rhule talks to officials
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Emmett Johnson runs toward endzone
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Emmett Johnson TD
NU vs. Purdue 2023 - Tommi Hill intercepts pass