Husker Doc Talk: Nebraska Athletics CFO Doug Ewald

Athletic Department's change in leadership doesn't change the goal
Doc Talk Sports / Bald Media

March has been a whirlwind month for the Nebraska athletic department, marked by significant changes at the helm. The departure of Trev Alberts, who left for a position at Texas A&M, came as a seismic shock to many - from those within the athletic department to the wider community of Nebraska and Husker fans nationwide. His move was swiftly followed by the announcement of Troy Dannen's appointment as the new athletic director, arriving from Washington, signaling a new era for Nebraska athletics.

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The impact of Alberts' departure cannot be understated; it was a moment that reverberated across the state and among the Husker faithful far and wide. Yet, amid this change, the mission remains unwavering for those at the heart of Husker athletics: to forge a path of success on the playing fields and ensure financial robustness. By all accounts, Nebraska has managed to strike this balance well, fostering an environment of athletic and financial health.

In this context of transformation and continuity, Doug Ewald, Nebraska's Executive Associate Athletic Director and Chief Financial Officer, made his return to the Doc Talk Podcast, hosted by Travis Justice and Dr. Rob Zatechka and sponsored by Betfred Sports. A staunch Husker through and through, Ewald has palpable dedication to the prosperity of the athletic department. In his first in-depth interview since the recent changes, he shared his initial shock at Alberts' departure and his early impressions of Dannen, noting a promising start to their collaboration.

The challenges ahead for college athletics are formidable, with issues such as name, image and likeness (NIL), pay-for-play, and specific to Nebraska, the Memorial Stadium renovation project, looming on the horizon. Moreover, the evolving dynamics of college football and the playoff system require adept leadership and a cohesive team to navigate these uncertain times. Fortunately, Nebraska is well-positioned to face these challenges, boasting a debt-free status, a dedicated fan base, and a clear vision for success on and off the field.

Ewald, who has been instrumental in the athletic department's turnaround, is eager to continue this positive trajectory alongside Dannen. Their shared commitment to excellence and resilience in the face of change holds promise for the future of Husker athletics. As Nebraska embarks on this new chapter, the community watches with anticipation, hopeful for what the future holds under this new leadership.

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Husker Doc Talk


Doc Talk is produced by Bald Media. Its hosts are former Husker and 1994 Big 8 Athlete of the Year Dr. Rob Zatechka and Travis Justice, who has over 25 years of experience in Nebraska sports media.