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VIDEO: Brian Kelly Conference Updating Latest With Notre Dame Football

The Fighting Irish head coach took questions from the media to update the latest with his program

Notre Dame head football coach Brian Kelly took questions from the local and national media on Wednesday, April 8, to update the latest with the Fighting Irish football program.

Topics include:

*** Kelly laying out the timeline for when the next decision regarding summer school and players potentially arriving will be made.

*** Safety being at the top of the priority list behind any decision.

*** The staff's role in developing work outs, being engaged with academic support and building stronger relationships with players.

*** Kelly went into detail about the virtual meetings the Notre Dame coaches and players are going through on a daily basis. Kelly touched on what is going on within those meetings, which I also discussed in the video at the top of this article.

*** Detail about his daily routine and all the people he must meet with on a daily basis.

*** The role he and the Notre Dame staff play in helping former players prepare for the NFL Draft after their pro day was canceled.

*** Using his platform to lend support to first responders and others that are on the frontline of the battle against the COVID-19 virus.

*** During his final answer Kelly gave a very quality answer in regard to what happens when football finally does return. The instinct is to make up for lost ground, but Kelly pointed to the need for patience and monitoring players to ensure they aren't putting too much on them too early. The key for Kelly is that they don't expose players to more risk in an attempt to get caught up.

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