Notre Dame Football Call in Show Features Wide Range of Opinions

Notre Dame fans are not all on the same page regarding 2024 season
Notre Dame quarterback Kenny Minchey looks for an open receiver during a Notre Dame football practice at Irish Athletic Center on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in South Bend.
Notre Dame quarterback Kenny Minchey looks for an open receiver during a Notre Dame football practice at Irish Athletic Center on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in South Bend. / MICHAEL CLUBB/SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE / USA TODAY NETWORK

One of the most interesting things about hosting a Notre Dame specific call-in radio show is that it allows me to get a great feel for where the fan base is mentally and emotionally at any given time.

Whatever topic is top of mind to the masses. More times than not there is general agreement regarding the recent happenings within the program or what needs to or should happen next regarding recruiting, on-field play, or anything else.

This summer has been different, though.

Recruiting Questions Remain A Major Stressor With No Clear Answers

Notre Dame's recent recruiting cold spell has put a damper on the mood of the fan base as camp has begun. This truly is unfortunate because it takes away from what should be the most exciting time of the year as hope usually reigns supreme as fans gear up for the new year with hope driving the narrative.

Notre Dame fans are struggling to process the recruiting rumors and frustrations they are feeling that will impact future years. This is limiting their ability to fully embrace and look forward to what should be an exciting, strong season this year. This is an odd place to be. While there are many different opinions regarding the recruiting struggles, one theme is unanimously agreed upon by the callers. Winning is the tide that raises all ships.

Offensive Line Is In The Spotlight And Must Deliver Early

Another common theme amongst the callers is the situation the offensive line finds themselves in starting out the 2024 campaign already down a starter, left tackle Charles Jagusah. Should Amil Wagner move the left side or is this Tosh Baker's time to rise to the occasion and assume this key starting role in his last year at Notre Dame?

Whatever way Notre Dame offensive line coach Joe Rudolph chooses to go with this re-alignment, he must choose right as the Irish will face a stiff test from Texas A&M game one. There is no such thing as easing into the 2024 season.

Feel free to enjoy the entire call-in show below and ride the wave of Notre Dame fan emotions one interesting call after another. There truly is never a dull day in Notre Dame land!

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