Notre Dame Fans Debate Next GM Hire & Chris Ash’s Role

Perceived instability isn't necessarily reality
It's been a whirlwind season for Irish fans. From the high of the Aggie win, to the low of the Northern Illinois loss, to a magical 13-game winning streak ending in a painful loss in the title game, it has been a wild and emotional rollercoaster.
With no time to decompress from what has been literally the longest Notre Dame season ever, Irish fans were presented with more potentially stress-inducing news right after the season due to multiple player and personnel moves.
Are things falling apart in South Bend or is this turnover just a natural part of the modern college football game? Every team goes through these types of changes after a season, its important to keep that in mind.
This topic was heavily debated on Monday morning's Always Irish radio show as callers tried to navigate both what has been and what will be for the future of the Irish program that came oh so close to ultimate glory in 2024.
Big decisions lie ahead for Marcus Freeman
Callers to the morning show had many varying opinions on rumored potential DC candidate Chris Ash. Some very much like his experience and the impressive list of coaches who have hired him and think well of him. Yet others are quick to point out his failed stint at Rutgers as the head man and how long it has been since he's been a "hot name" in the college game.
This was a well-meaning and robust debate.
As for the GM role, it's a bit harder to analyze these candidates as many of them aren't well-known names in the college game. An additional complication in this analysis is how relatively new this role is to college football. I'm not sure anyone is exactly sure of the day-to-day job duties of this role yet.
All of this leads to a feeling of uncertainty, which is understandable. Marcus Freeman has some big decisions to make at this juncture of his tenure. The good news is that he's in a much better place to make these decisions than he was early on in his head coaching journey.
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