Notre Dame Statement On NCAA Announcement Regarding Likeness Monetization

Earlier today the NCAA Board of Governors announced they were beginning a process to "enhance name, image and likeness opportunities" for student-athletes.
Through vice president of public affairs Paul Browne, the University of Notre Dame issued a statement today in support of players being able to monetize their likeness.
The state read:
“Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins has long supported the idea that student-athletes should be able to monetize their popularity, as long as abuse is prevented and their character as students – not professional athletes – is preserved. In 2015, the New York Times reported that ‘Father Jenkins, a passionate defender of his alma mater, has considered the arguments. He agrees that the NCAA is struggling to find its role on a changed playing field. And, in what may come as a surprise, he suggests that student-athletes should be able to monetize their fame, with limits.’”
The full release from the NCAA can be found HERE.
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