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Staff Opening: Irish Breakdown Is Looking To Expand Its Staff

Irish Breakdown is looking for an editor for its website and other platforms
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Irish Breakdown is looking to expand its staff and is now looking to hire an editor for all of its online platforms and some new projects that are coming up.

This is a new position that will begin as part-time, but the goal is for it to ultimately become a full-time position. If you're interested email me with your resume and contact information.


This position is an editor position first and foremost. There is an opportunity for the editor to eventually become a content producer, but right now the focus must be on editing all articles at Irish Breakdown, editing and publishing all podcasts produced by Irish Breakdown and CFB Nation, and to create and publish videos on YouTube for all Irish Breakdown and CFB Nation shows.

When Irish Breakdown launches its online magazine there will also be editing requirements there for layout, written content and photos.



- Attention to detail, a strong work ethic and the ability to follow instructions
- Strong editing and grammar skills
- Strong communication skills with the IB team
- The ability to work within specific windows for some projects and flexibility to handle breaking news and information in other windows
- Need experience, or be willing to show a proficiency, for using various editing programs for audio and video content
- Must have a functioning computer that can support all programs needed to edit online content
- Consistent and quality access to the internet

There are no requirements for a design background, but if you have a design background that will also garner special consideration.


The editor will be responsible for editing all content produced for the Irish Breakdown website. This will include cleaning up grammar mistakes, making sure there is proper punctuation, making sure all links are properly included, ensure there are proper videos and photos included in each story, creating proper headlines, creating proper subheads and more. The editor will also schedule and/or publish shows once all editing requirements are completed.

When there is breaking news the editor will be responsible for immediately going into a published story and cleaning it up, if that is needed. 

Proven experience or knowledge of the best SEO practices will be given special consideration.


The editor will be responsible for editing and publishing all podcasts that are produced by Irish Breakdown and CFB Nation (with the exception of the Lucky Lefty Podcast). There are specific steps that must be followed, but those steps apply for all shows. 

*** For the Irish Breakdown shows the editing must be done as soon as the show is completed. 

*** For the IB Nation Sports Talk shows the editing will be done and set for the next morning. 

*** For the CFB Nation will be a mix of both, but the primary focus will be on editing and setting the show for the next day.

If there is a show that involves breaking news that must be published immediately after the show is completed.


The editor will be responsible for taking all videos from published shows and cutting them into smaller segments for either publication on YouTube or for the admin at Irish Breakdown. Most videos will be edited and set for publication the next day, so there is discretion on when this can be completed. This will include created graphics for each show.


Irish Breakdown plans on launching the IB Magazine this summer. It will begin with a 2023 Notre Dame Football Preview. The editor will be responsible for assisting with content editing, photo editing and layout for the project.


This will begin as a part-time position with the goal of it becoming a full-time position over the next year. For details on the salary please contact me for more details. The salary will be partly determined by the editor's experience, proficiency, schedule flexibility and possibility for adding even more duties down the road. Salary will increase during football season (September through December).

This position will be that of a part-time employee at Driskell Publishing and not a contractor due to specific hour requirements with certain aspects of the production schedule. Employees are paid on the first of every month. Payment is for work that was completed the previous month.

CONTACT: Bryan Driskell -

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