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It's no secret that Houston Texans coach Bill O'Brien is fond of former Penn State players. And he really seems to be falling for John Reid.

The rookie cornerback, whom the Texans selected in the fourth round of this year's draft, has been among the standouts at training camp. O'Brien praised Reid for adapting to the NFL so quickly, which his former Penn State coaches certainly expected.

"He's had a really good camp," O'Brien said after practice Tuesday, according to a Texans' pool report compiled by reporter John McClain. "He might've just had the best camp of any rookie. Some of these guys come in here as rookies and they just know how to work."

That isn't revelatory for the Penn State coaches, who routinely praised Reid for his work behind the scenes. He was well known at Penn State for his film-watching habits and penchant for tech study.

Reid, who graduated with a degree in data sciences, had three internships while at Penn State, including one with Intel. Last summer, while interning with a gaming company in California, Reid kept his training schedule firm by working out alone at night after work.

Reid clearly brought those time-management skills to Houston.

 "He's got a routine already," O'Brien said. "He's in here early. He's taking care of his body. He's studying tape. He's in the meetings. He spends extra time with his coaches. He's taking advantage of his reps. He's just really focused."

Reid also has the benefit of perspective. He missed the 2017 season because of a torn ACL, an injury whose effect lingered into 2018.

But last year Reid played some of his best football at Penn State, earning honorable mention All-Big Ten honors and a trip to the NFL combine. Further, at 24, Reid is the same age as some second-year pros.

"He was an engineering major at Penn State and a really mature kid," O'Brien said. "He's also a really bright kid."

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