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What Does Charlotte Win Mean?

South Carolina dominated Charlotte on Saturday night, but what does that mean for the team going forward?

Many expected South Carolina to beat Charlotte on Saturday night, and alarm bells would have gone off had they not. However, the Gamecocks made a statement in their win, walking all over the 49ers in the second half.

Skeptics will write it off as a game they should have won, which is true. Some will argue the win isn't translateable to SEC play, a statement that seems plausible at face value but is not necessarily true.

Football is a mental sport; it doesn't matter if you play group-of-five teams or the defending national champions; your mindset determines everything. South Carolina had faith in each other and the coaching staff, which can't be taken for granted.

The Gamecocks have officially played a complete four-quarter football game in all three phases, something many teams nationally have yet to do. It seems easy on the surface, but if it were, everyone would do it.

Defense led to offense, and special teams made several splash plays. There were mistakes, especially in the first half, but that second half was the best this team has seen to date.

Everyone appeared confident despite some glaring alterations in the game plan. For instance, offensive coordinator Marcus Satterfield completely changed the scheme and style in seven days, but the group responded and delivered.

Furthermore, a young inexperienced defense stepped up and made plays in the second half. They forced three turnovers and affected the game up front, causing Charlotte to resort to their third-string quarterback in the closing seconds.

The coaches didn't give up on their players after a disappointing first half, which is another encouraging sign. When everyone woke up this morning, there was little South Carolina could do to impress national types.

What Lies Ahead?

Most will chalk it up to Charlotte being Charlotte; with a talent disparity that wide, you should win like that. While that sentiment is true, many teams in South Carolina's position don't win like that.

There is little they can do to impress the country next week, as they are taking on South Carolina State. However, one thing has crystallized over the weekend: the Gamecocks don't care about outside perception, nor should they.

Everyone wrote them off after their consecutive losses against top-ten opponents. That's highly harsh given the circumstances, and it's still very possible this is a good football team capable of making some noise in a crowded SEC East.

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