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Kalan Ellis Discusses his Impact on the Offense, Overcoming Losses

The freshman offensive lineman discusses his early impact for the Syracuse offense.

True freshman offensive lineman, Kalan Ellis received his first collegiate start against Wake Forest replacing the injured Chris Bleich. He also appeared frequently in last week's game against Clemson. 

Reporter: "What's it been like for you the last couple of games, getting the start in front of family. What's that been like for you emotionally?"

Ellis: "It's been great. Honestly I'm glad that I got to start in front of my family. I think I would have helped either way, whether it's back up or starting. It was definitely a great experience."

Reporter: "How do you stay ready throughout the season if they need you to come in during a game unexpectedly?

Kalan Ellis: "I just mainly focus on the practices. I go through my techniques and movement. I prepare for any decision that comes to me whether it's playing this game or backing up. I just got to stay on my toes and be ready."

Reporter: "How do you think you have performed so far in your young collegiate career?

Ellis: "I think I performed pretty decent. I still got to work on my techniques and other stuff. That's what Coach Schmidt is helping me with, so I think we are on the right track. 

Reporter: "What has impressed you, what is your biggest strength?"

Ellis: "My biggest strength is just being a solid force. Not getting a move off the ball easily. I still got to work on it though, got to work on speed, techniques all that."

Reporter: "Anything surprise you so far?"

Ellis: "Not really. We pretty much cover everything in practice. That's what feels good about being prepared and ready."

Reporter: "How do you think the offensive line can improve going into this week's game against Virginia Tech?"

Ellis: "Just keep practicing hard like we've been. We're just out there working so hard that each one of us is developing more."

Reporter: "After the past three weeks resulting not the way you or your team wanted, how do you move forward for the rest of the season?"

Ellis: "Just got to focus on the next game. It was a tough three loses but still, we have to focus on the next one."

Reporter: "What's the mood like around here after losing three tough games. Is it deflating at all?"

Ellis: "No actually it makes us go harder at practice. Just competing against one another and just getting the plays right and just correcting everything from the last game."