TCU Football: Student Section Antics Week 4 - SMU

Parents Weekend, Foul-Smelling Tarps, and an SMU Rivalry Game? The Perfect Gameday Experience...
TCU Football: Student Section Antics Week 4 - SMU
TCU Football: Student Section Antics Week 4 - SMU /
In this story:

This past Saturday here in Fort Worth started like any other home game day. The drinking started early, and tailgates played music at max volume before the sun was up, but this week was different. Everybody's parents were in town. It was the perfect combination for an...eventful gameday between TCU and SMU.

My Saturday started when I was awoken by my roommate at 8:00 a.m. by a loud mixture of Lil Uzi Vert, Kanye, and Drake. Normally on gameday, I would sleep in, but today, I was not afforded that opportunity, seeing as I couldn't hear myself think. I wasn't too bothered by it because of the 11:00 a.m. kickoff, and since this was a rivalry game, I quickly got ready and made my way to the field around 10:00 a.m. so we could get decent seats in the student section.

I knew Parents' Weekend would make things crowded, but I didn't realize how many parents would want to sit in the student section with their kids. Most notably, a family next to me with eight people spanning three generations. This included two senior citizens and two children who were way too young to be in this part of the stadium.


Fast forward around 30 minutes of sitting in the blistering sun, and it was time to kick off as SMU's introduction to the field was met with all kinds of hate from a volatile TCU student section. I had monitored the drama on X/Twitter all week, but the hatred TCU students and fans had for SMU had never quite materialized until the boos and profanities of over 45,000 people erupted as they ran onto the field.

Mid-Game Munchies

My roommate, who I went to the game with, we'll call him roommate A, watched TCU kickoff and then immediately ran to the concession stand to grab food and some drinks, neither of which were for me. He brought back two Miller Lights and some street tacos that I had never seen at the Carter. During his abnormal breakfast, a girl in front of us that we didn't know started eyeing roommate A's tacos more and more. After a couple of minutes, the girl turned towards us and said, "Those tacos look really good. Can I have them?" Roommate A was dumbfounded by this question and quickly refused. 

  1.  Roommate A had taken only two bites out of his first taco.
  2. Asking a stranger for their tacos is a little weird. Am I wrong?

But the best part of this interaction was yet to come. The girl doubled down and tried again. "But you have two tacos can't I just have one?"

After my roommate refused for a second time, the girl went about her business, and we continued watching the game. The entitled stranger obviously wasn't happy, but a Horned Frog touchdown thrown to Jared Wiley seemingly made her forget about the taco incident. 

Tarp Cleaning Troubles at the Carter?

The final student section antic of the day was when the "Protect the Carter" tarp was sent up the student section. For those who don't know, in the 3rd quarter of every home game, a large tarp is sent up the student section that eventually says, "Protect the Carter." The only problem is, I have experienced being under this tarp before, and I know what it's like. I'll keep it short and sweet to not trigger any gag reflexes and say that the smell lingers in your nose until next week if you're caught under it.

One person, or maybe multiple people, I couldn't quite tell, decided that they didn't feel like smelling bad for the rest of the day and held the tarp in front of them so only one side went up the student section. This was met with a chorus of boos from other students, but from my experience under the tarp, I may have done the same thing. 

The game continued with TCU staying in control for most of the game as TCU beat SMU with a final score of 34-17. Chandler Morris looked better at making quick decisions this week, and Emani Bailey continues to impress as the Horned Frogs take on West Virginia this Saturday in a blackout game here in Fort Worth. 

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Carson Wersal

Carson is a graduating senior at TCU with a General Communications degree with a emphasis in journalism. While his main focus in journalism centers around TCU Baseball, Carson has covered other sports as well such as TCU Track and Cross Country, TCU Men's and Women's Basketball, and TCU Football. One event of note that Carson has covered was the 2023 Men's College World Series which featured TCU finishing 4th in the country.