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LISTEN! KillerFrogs Podcast Episode 181:  Bend, Don't Break . . . Especially This Week

Sean Foushee and Shannon Brazzell discuss the game against Texas Tech, the CFP rankings, Gary Patterson, and, most importantly, what to expect against Texas on Saturday
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Shannon (Brazzell) and Sean (Foushee) are enjoying the ride as TCU rises to #4 in the CFP rankings this week following a 34-24 win against the Red Raiders and setting up another Top 25 matchup in Austin

Brazzell begins the discussion by aptly saying: “It’s going down this week. I’m nervous but excited at the same time. This is one of those make or break games and I’m so interested to see how we’re going to really put everything behind us and play for one game and I’m so excited for this opportunity, just as a fan.”



Foushee points out that “this is definitely one of those games that every Frog fan has had circled on their calendar for all of the season. For more than one reason. Obviously it’s Texas. But with the Gary Patterson storyline here and the Horned Frogs coming in 9 and 0 after beating Texas Tech 34-24 on Saturday, it's going to set up a very interesting matchup. It’s going to be a storyline all week with GameDay showing up in Austin.”

The discussion shifts to the Texas Tech game. The defense is their first topic. Foushee says: “From beginning to end, they were kind of controlling the game. It was the offense that was slow to start.” Brazzell adds: “I do believe we are the true definition of a rubber band defense. We will bend but we will not break. We only gave up 195 yards. They did what they needed to do. They created a turnover . . . The defense did what they needed to do. I pray that they’re going to do that on Saturday because it has to.”

Foushee points out “the problem with this team is also one of the major blessings. And that is we haven’t seen a full four quarters of Horned Frog football from this team, on either side of the ball. We’re starting to see this team start to gel . . . The bend-don’t-break mentality has been ours the entire season, and I think the defensive showing on Saturday has been fantastic for the Frogs.”

Turning back to the Texas game Brazzell says: “I have a lot of confidence in this team. I think it’s going to be a great weekend. I am hoping and praying that we would see this team play four quarters. Yes, there will be mistakes, and yes it will be like opening day where there are all the jitters and all that good stuff. But this is the game. This is the one that’s going to make and break us. Meaning, from the playoff and where we end up and all those things. We’re good right now, guys. Even if we lose, I don’t want everybody to panic. People will do that with one loss. And just being a critic, just telling the truth, I had us losing one game, and my two teams I picked were Oklahoma State or Texas. We’ve already taken care of one, now we have to take care of the other.”

Foushee adds: “The whole team seems to be fighting for something we’re not quite clued in on yet. And they don’t panic. In teams in the past, you feel like the game is starting to get away from you . . . this team, no matter what happens, if they’re down against Kansas State, if they’re down against Oklahoma State, they don’t panic. They lift each other up and they find a way. This team is doing a fantastic job of willing themselves in these particular games. But looking forward to next week, the offense definitely has to step it up. But I will say one thing, where the defense is kind of a bend-don’t-break, the one thing that I really appreciate about this offensive scheme that Riley has brought, is they aren’t going away from the run, they aren’t abandoning things they know will work with the guys we have. They’re constantly pounding the ball and wearing down the defense.”

The discussion moves to the College Football Playoff Rankings. Foushee points out that “TCU has gone from Number 7 to Number 4. That’s huge.” Foushee agrees, adding: “They heard enough racket, they heard enough analysts speaking on us. We are a fan favorite out there among people in the media. People said, okay, we’ll put TCU up in there. Rightfully so, we deserve to be there. But they do it in my opinion because we’re going into Texas, it’s a big game, and they’re like we’re going to put them in there now because if they lose against Texas, they’re done. But at this point, in my opinion, we just have to handle our business. Because whatever we do it’s never good enough. We just have to go and play TCU. This is where distractions can’t happen this week. We need to focus this week on just us. Just the family. So we’re willing to fire on all cylinders on Saturday. We win this game, the sky’s the limit. They can’t drop us now.”

Foushee agrees with Brazzell’s assertions, saying: “I think you’re right about why the committee ranked us at 4. I think they really did it because, of course, they think we’re going to go in and lose to Texas. But I think it’s a double-edged sword there because now that they’ve ranked all the remaining undefeated teams as 1,2,3,4 they have now given control over their destiny to TCU. TCU no longer has this sword of Damocles hanging over their head.”

Gary Patterson enters the discussion. Brazzell says: “This week Gary will play a big part in Texas, win or loss. I’ve been telling people Gary Patterson, as a person he’s cool with me, he’s old news to me, he’s now on the other side of the football. He is now the competition. I don’t like Gary this week. I can care less about him. If you guys who are listening to this show, love Gary, and think he cares about us this week, or cares about us all year, you’re sorely mistaken. Gary’s Super Bowl, if you will, is this week. Point blank. Period. He wants this win, he needs this win, he’s going to do everything in his power to have that defense ready.”

Foushee counters: “TCU holds the trump card. And that trump card has the face of Sonny Dykes on it. Because if there were one coach in this country who could frustrate Gary Patterson, it’s Sonny Dykes. If we had anyone else at the helm going into this game, I would feel a lot more trepidation. Because Sonny Dykes is one of those guys who always seems to get under Gary Patterson’s skin. Now, a blessing for Texas is he won’t be on the sideline calling the plays. I’ll tell you what, I’m starting to see some stuff out of this offense and defense that has started to evolve over the last couple weeks. I honestly think that Sonny, and Riley, and Gillespie, have kind of been holding these close to the vest and I think the dam’s going to break on Saturday.”

The podcast ends with predictions. Brazzell goes with TCU, 35-30. Foushee predicts 34-27, TCU. 

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