Conflict of Interest: Master's Week Slated for Same Week as Tennessee-Georgia in Athens

What a sporting weekend this could be
Conflict of Interest: Master's Week Slated for Same Week as Tennessee-Georgia in Athens
Conflict of Interest: Master's Week Slated for Same Week as Tennessee-Georgia in Athens /

What are your two favorite sporting events of the year?

For any Tennessee fans who also enjoy golf, the answer is probably something like this:

“Any UT football game against an SEC opponent, or The Master’s.”

Now, those fans face a dilemma unlike any in recent sports history.

On Monday, The Master’s Tournament announced its new target dates for this year after being suspended due to the Coronavirus.

Those dates are Nov. 9-15. In other words, Augusta National will be coated in the colors of fall when this year’s tournament is set to take place.

If you’ve paid any attention to Tennessee’s 2020 football schedule, you also know that the Vols’ game against Georgia in Athens falls on that Saturday of Master’s Week, Nov. 14.

Think of it: the greatest tournament in golf and, less than two hours east, one of the best rivalries in SEC football, both on the same day.

What a beautifully conflicting combination.

Granted, some fans may try to do both, or at least take a break from a Master’s trip to take in the Tennessee-Georgia game at Sanford Stadium.

Or, fans could always watch both on television. 

No matter what option people choose, though, this should still make for one of the most unique and incredible sports weekends we’ve seen in quite some time.

And it is much needed with everything lately, too. 
