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In your opinion, what's the biggest thing Texas needs to accomplish during the bye week?

Dalton Sweat, Podcaster: I can only pick one thing? It seems like there are so many options to choose from. The most important thing is getting healthy at this point. I think a lot of the issues you see on the defense stem from a plethora of injuries. Getting some players back will go a long way towards getting bowl eligible against Kansas State this coming weekend (and hopefully not against Texas Tech in a month).

Tomer Barazani, intern/social media: The biggest thing Texas needs to accomplish during the bye week is trust. Sam needs to trust that the defense can make some stops in order for him not to feel Iike he needs to make every big play. The issue against TCU was that Sam felt he had to carry the entire team and in doing so he made many costly mistakes with inaccurate shots downfield. The defense needs to trust that the offense won’t put them in dangerous field position every time they step on the field. The defense needs to regain their trust in Todd Orlando. They need to trust the scheme and know that Texas will continue to have a plan for improvement.

Chris Dukes, Site Publisher: Tom Herman talked after the TCU game about his team needing to heal both "physical and emotional" wounds. The former is going to happen either way with players getting a week to rest their bodies, but the latter will require leadership from both players and coaches. Can this team find its confidence again? The answer will determine just how interesting this offseason is on the Forty Acres.  

Which returning Texas player (Caden Sterns or Jordan Whittington) will have the biggest impact in the final four games of the season?

Dalton Sweat, Podcaster: Sterns will likely have the biggest impact if for no other reason than the defense has a lot more room to improve than the offense. His presence on the backend of that defense is going to be a big boon and may allow Texas’ blitzes enough time to hit home instead of giving up big chunks of yardage. However, I think Whittington will be much more noticeable. I expect Tom Herman to get Whittington into the line up early and often. He will be used all over the field, and he will be a nice homerun threat to complement Duvernay and Johnson.

Tomer Barazani, intern/social media: I believe Caden Sterns will have the biggest impact on the last 4 games but that is all dependent on if he is 100% following his injury. If he is fully healthy and back the ability he had his freshman year, Caden May very well fix many of the secondary issues Texas has seen since the beginning of the season. A 100% Caden can make up for many mistakes that a rather young and inexperienced secondary makes each Saturday.

Chris Dukes, Site Publisher: I think the obvious answer is Sterns. He's been the best tackler in the secondary and has All American-level talent. But Whittington, if used correctly, could turn this offense from good to unstoppable. The Longhorns have lost Cade Brewer for the year and one would have to think we will see more movement toward two-back sets and four-wide looks from Texas down the stretch. Whittington is a guy who could be a factor in both. If Texas can get creative with the ways they use him, this will only make Sam Ehlinger better. 

How many of its final four games does Texas win and why?

Dalton Sweat, Podcaster: I really hope it is at least two, but even that will result in a season that feels like a complete failure. For Texas to salvage the season, they need to go at least 3-1 the rest of the year. But, to give you a bit of coach-speak, it all starts with one game. If Texas can’t beat Kansas State, I don’t see any way they win the final three games of the year. To have a decent season, they need to win this first game and then worry about the rest later.

Tomer Barazani, intern/social media: I believe Texas will win 2 of its last 4 games. Texas is going down a dark path that isn’t going to end well in my opinion. They have completely lost their identity on defense and in the TCU game they seem to have lost their indentity on offense as well. I think we get a lucky win next week at home against K state. 2 losses on the road against Baylor and Iowa State, then finish the year with a win against Texas Tech.

Chris Dukes, Site Publisher: The answer Texas fans want to hear is four, but I think most of the optimists are still only going with three. I am going with a split at 2-2 if I had to make a prediction right now. The team Texas has put on the field through most of conference play just hasn't inspired enough confidence to see them going better than .500 against Iowa State, Kansas State, Baylor and Texas Tech.