Texas, OU ADs Both Still Expect to Play in Cotton Bowl This Year
Both the University of Texas and the University of Oklahoma have responded with hopeful statements following the recent decision to shut down the Texas State Fair.
UT Vice President and Athletics Director Chris Del Conte released an official comment earlier this afternoon, assuring fans that officials are doing everything they can to safely play the game in its annual home.
“Though we certainly respect and understand the decision of the folks in Dallas on their cancellation of this year’s State Fair of Texas, we fully anticipate that our annual Red River Showdown with Oklahoma will be played in the Cotton Bowl and are continuing to prepare for that. We know the decision to cancel the fair was an extremely difficult one for everyone involved and that we all are dealing with a very fluid situation during these unprecedented times. But, as we’re doing with all of our fall season planning, we will continue to monitor the situation closely, work through contingencies and make the best possible decisions we can with the health, safety and well-being of everyone involved as our number one priority.”
University of Oklahoma vice president and athletics director Joe Castiglione had a similar statement shortly after the news broke.
"We understand and respect the decision made by the State Fair of Texas and acknowledge that is an extremely difficult one. Our hope remains that we can play the OU-Texas game at the Cotton Bowl, but obviously every aspect of our season requires constant monitoring and planning. The best thing all of us can do at this time is closely follow CDC guidelines to reduce the spread of the virus."
The decision came down as concerns over the spread of COVID-19 continue to grow in the Lone Star State. While nothing - including the actual start of the season - is set in stone at this time, it appears both schools are doing everything possible in their power to make sure these two rivals are able to meet on the same field they have since 1932 so long as it is safe to do so.