UCLA's Weston Port Provides Update From Spanish Mission

When UCLA takes the field in 2025, it will do so without linebacker Weston Port. Port, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints, is spending what was to be his first year in Bruin blue as a Mormon missionary on assignment in Spain.
Port, committing himself to the hallmarks of his religious beliefs, is one of many people his age sent across the world to perform humanitarian work, and while his contact with his family and friends is limited, he took the opportunity to share with UCLA Bruins On SI what he's been up to during his time in Madrid.
"Being a missionary is epic!!" he wrote in an email. "I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to serve my Savior. Just in these past 3 weeks of being a missionary, I have felt my testimony strengthened in so many ways. In my district (Group of around 10 missionaries who do classes and stuff together), its just me and my companion who are the only two elders."
Port went on to say that he's quickly learning Spanish and he's already able to understand a fair bit of what is being taught in his Spanish immersion class. He continues to be motivated and enthusiastic in the work he's performing and has found true joy on his mission.
Football is often such a large part of people's lives that players sometimes struggle to find meaning away from it. Port, a man guarded and secure in his faith, exemplifies the phrase, "football is what I do, it's not who I am."
When he does eventually return to UCLA, DeShaun Foster and his staff are going to have a leader on their hands who's life experience will have prepared him for anything thrown at him on the football field.
From a physical standpoint, Port is going to have a massive advantage as he should have most, if not all, of his eligibility remaining once he returns from his mission.
In the meantime, I'm sure football is the furthest thing from his mind. Port is on a path to achieve something that can not be found on the football field and UCLA Bruins On SI wants to extend our best wishes as he continues on his journey.
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