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The UCLA Bruins made a big move after firing head coach Jim Mora after the 2017 season and hired offensive mastermind Chip Kelly. 

Kelly has been at the helm for the Bruins since 2018, and even though his overall record is two games under .500, it seems like he is here to stay for the time being. Kelly has improved the team year after year, and everyone is hoping it continues to get better. 

The 59-year-old will be going into his sixth season as head coach for UCLA and 13th overall as a head coach. He sat down with FOX college football commentator Joe Klatt and expressed how he still loves the day-to-day of being a head coach. 

"And what I love the most is the day-to-day. The camaraderie to be in a staff meeting. I used to think staff meetings were drudgery, like, 'Why do we have to meet again?' But when you're not in that, you miss those days. You kind of miss the personalities and the people that you get to work with on a daily basis. That's the fun part. I think when you look back on when it's over, you're going to reflect back on the locker room experience. If you can find joy and happiness in the day-to-day, that's what makes this special." 

(via Fox Sports)

Kelly is embracing the little things as head coach. Fans care about the wins and losses, but it goes beyond that when you care about your players beyond the football field. 

The 59-year-old head coach will look to lead the Bruins on the field, and he will do that by making the most out of it. 

Chip is growing as a person and coach every day; we cannot wait to see how he leads this 2023 team.