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How can it be the 15th anniversary of the Bush Push?

It snuck up on me because of the delayed start to the football season. It doesn't feel like October if you are a USC fan.

Every year, the anniversary reminds me of this inconic photo and I've said before the atmosphere inside Notre Dame Stadium at the end of the game was the most intense I personally experienced.

The crowd was unbelievable and don’t forget they had already stormed the field when it appeared the game ended, only to be told to go back to their seats for the fateful outcome. There was a wave of emotion that carried through the stadium on that final drive.

Later that season, I was in a similar area of the field for the end of another great game (USC-Texas) but the intensity level wasn’t quite the same.

I'm including this video, which shows then-assistant coach Brennan Carroll calling timeout even though USC had none left.