Is USC Really Going To Use Its Tight Ends?

Trojans barely used tight ends in 2019
Is USC Really Going To Use Its Tight Ends?
Is USC Really Going To Use Its Tight Ends? /

USC is going to great effort to demonstrate it will actually throw to its tight ends this season.

Said tight end Erik Krommenhoek: "I think we're going to get a lot more opportunities on the outside than we have in the past. Gotta make the most of those opportunities and do our best to catch some touchdowns."

He also said this: "Our goal as a room is to have (our role) increased."

 That's not quite as confident sounding.

But Graham Harrell can easily increase the role if he wants to. And when you ignore the tight end, even a few passes is a bigger role. It will not take much.

So we'll see.
