Virginia Tech Moves to Remote Classes Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
In a sweeping move impacting Virginia Tech athletes and the greater school population, Virginia Tech President Dr. Tim Sands announced on Wednesday afternoon that the university will move all classes online effective Monday, March 23rd when students return from spring break due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
In addition, spring break, which is occurring this week for Virginia Tech, has been extended one week to Sunday, March 22nd.
The online classes will last for the remainder of the spring semester for the university.
In addition, any school-sponsored events that are projected to draw more than 100 people on Virginia Tech campuses across the state are canceled through April 30th.
There were several events listed in Dr. Sands' statement today as canceled, but it should be noted that the Spring Game on April 18th was not on that list at the present time. With this being an ever-evolving situation, that is obviously something that is subject to change.
To date, there are no documented cases of Coronavirus in the greater Southwest Virginia area.
For the full statement from Virginia Tech President Dr. Tim Sands, click here.